// Just 💗 Coding
GAEB Converter
Continuous Integration
Home Automation
Web Development
Windows Server
2018-03-04 - Escalating Automation - The Nuclear Option
2019-05-19 - Recap from the BCF Hackathon in Helsinki and Formation of the CDE Group
2019-01-16 - Integrating BIM & IFC References with Bills of Quantities and GAEB Files
2018-12-31 - Creating GAEB Files with the Dangl.AVA & Dangl.GAEB API
2018-03-11 - What is BIM?
2019-02-13 - Dangl IT at the Gründerpreis Rosenheim 2019 (Founders Price) Finals
Continuous Integration
2021-08-18 - Signing Electron Apps before Bundling with Azure Key Vault and EV Code Signing Certificates
2021-08-12 - Running Fully Automated E2E Tests in Electron in a Docker Container with Playwright
2020-10-12 - Let's use NUKE to Quickly Deploy an App to Azure via Zip Deployment
2020-09-22 - Running SQL Server Integration Tests in .NET Core Projects via Docker
2020-06-14 - Simple and Quick Way to Backup Jenkins to Azure Blob Storage
2018-02-16 - Set Up Private NuGet Feeds with ProGet v5
2018-02-03 - Integration Testing In Memory Compiled Code with Roslyn - Visual Studio 2017 Edition
2018-01-27 - Using WebDeploy via Nuke Build Scripts
2017-11-12 - Creating Correct Source Code Links with DocFX in Jenkins
2017-11-06 - Publish Azure Functions via Jenkins CI Continuously to Azure
2017-10-22 - Publish and Deploy Asp.Net Core Applications from Jenkins to IIS - 2017 Edition
2017-10-11 - Publish .Net Core Code Coverage Results with ReportGenerator in Jenkins
2017-10-02 - Target and Visualize Results of Multiple Frameworks in .Net Unit Tests with Jenskins CI
2017-09-01 - Continuous Deployment from Jenkins to a NuGet Feed
2017-08-19 - Unit Testing and Code Coverage with Jenkins and .NET Core - 2017 Edition
2017-05-29 - .Net Core and TypeScript Continuous Integration Testing with Jenkins on Linux
2017-04-07 - Integration Testing In Memory Compiled Code with Roslyn
2016-10-20 - Set Up Private NuGet Feeds with ProGet v4+
2016-06-23 - Publish and Deploy Asp.Net Core Applications from Jenkins to IIS
2016-06-09 - Setting Asp.Net Core Environment Variables via web.config in IIS
2016-06-09 - Applying web.config Transformations without MSBuild
2016-05-30 - Unit Testing and Code Coverage with Jenkins and .NET Core
2016-05-12 - Configure Git Hooks on Bonobo Git Server in Windows
2016-05-12 - Basic Jenkins Configuration for .Net Continuous Integration
2016-04-30 - Set Up Private NuGet Feeds with ProGet and Jenkins
2016-04-26 - Move Jenkins Installation Directory and Assign it a Dedicated Windows User Account
2016-04-21 - Installing and Configuring Jenkins on Windows Server with IIS
2024-11-29 - Installing .NET 9 Alongside Older Versions on Ubuntu 22.04
2023-05-17 - ASP.NET Core Locally Serving Outdated Dev Certificate
2020-01-30 - Cancel Obsolete Http Requests in Rx.NET with the Switch Operator
2020-01-21 - Accessing the Revit API in Callbacks from Other Threads
2019-10-15 - Handling DateTimeOffset in SQLite with Entity Framework Core
2019-06-14 - Impact of O(n²) Runtime in Practice - With Before & After Results
2019-03-21 - Transform your ASP.NET Core Website into a Single File Executable Desktop App
2019-01-03 - Remove Duplicate Enum Entries in Swagger Documents with NSwag in ASP.NET Core
2018-11-21 - Accessing NuGet Package Paths in Your .NET SDK Based csproj Files
2018-02-03 - Integration Testing In Memory Compiled Code with Roslyn - Visual Studio 2017 Edition
2017-11-30 - xUnit Tests Not Recognizing Target Framework Microsoft.NETCore.App 2.0
2017-10-31 - Building Hacky but Free Graphs and Charts in Xamarin.Forms with Chart.js
2017-08-11 - Using ANTLR4 MSBuild Tasks in Visual Studio 2017 and with the Dotnet CLI
2017-06-29 - EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite in a Full .Net Framework xUnit Class Library
2017-04-07 - Integration Testing In Memory Compiled Code with Roslyn
2017-02-02 - Using xBim Geometry Conversion in the New Asp.Net Project Format
2016-09-28 - Running xUnit Tests for Multiple Frameworks
2016-09-26 - Missing Encoding in .Net Core Apps
2023-07-05 - Accessing AVACloud Directly with User Accounts
2018-04-30 - What is GAEB?
2016-05-03 - Tutorial: Work With GAEB-Converted Excel Files
2016-05-03 - Tutorial: How to Use the GAEB Converter
Home Automation
2023-07-13 - Creating an API and Web UI for my District Heating System
2020-02-16 - Executing NUKE Build Scripts on Linux Machines with Correct File Permissions
2017-05-29 - .Net Core and TypeScript Continuous Integration Testing with Jenkins on Linux
2017-08-19 - Why You Should be Careful What to Post on Social Media
Web Development
2023-06-01 - Setting the Language in Chrome Headless for E2E Tests
2023-04-16 - Changing the Order of Parameters in Swagger / OpenAPI Documents when using NSwag to Generate the Swaggerfile
2021-05-16 - Updating Azure App Service on Linux for Docker via Webhooks from C#
2020-05-20 - Improving ASP.NET Core End-to-End Tests with Selenium Docker Images
2019-07-26 - Performing End-to-End Tests for a .NET Core Web API with an Angular Frontend in Docker with Jenkins
2019-01-11 - Caching Bundled and Minified CSS and JavaScript with the Wrong File Extension in the Free Tier on CloudFlare with Umbraco
2018-11-13 - Deploy to Azure App Service with no Downtime by using Staging Slots
2018-10-27 - Different Response Schemas in ASP.NET Core Swagger API Definition with NSwag
2018-09-14 - Migrating an Umbraco Site from a Server to an Azure Web App
2018-07-12 - Securing ASP.NET Core Controllers with a Policy and Api Keys
2018-07-10 - Excluding Assemblies in ASP.NET Core MVC Controller Discovery
2018-07-04 - Altering Outbound Traffic from IIS with Rewrite Rules
2018-05-23 - Serving Localized Angular Single Page Applications with Asp.Net Core
2018-03-13 - Simple Sorting and Pagination in ASP.NET Core with LightQuery
2017-12-24 - Adding Custom Claims when Logging In with Asp.Net Core Identity Cookie
2017-12-21 - Chasing a Bug when Working with an RxJS Observable
2017-11-21 - Attention when working with the Asp.Net Core TestHost and its HttpMessageHandler
2017-11-08 - Use Any Authentication Handler for all Actions in Asp.Net Core 2.0
2017-10-17 - Blank Screen after Login to Umbraco Backoffice
2017-07-27 - Using the StackExchange MiniProfiler with an Angular Single Page Application
2017-07-05 - Validating Usernames in an Angular Frontend with Asp.Net Core Identity on the Server
2017-06-03 - Mocking an Asp.Net Core HttpClient for Unit Tests with Moq
2017-03-23 - Http Basic Authentication in Asp.Net Core Projects
2017-02-21 - NetCoreHeroes: Angular 2 with .Net Core in Visual Studio 2015, Part VI
2016-12-12 - Signing in Users for Integration Testing with the Asp.Net Core TestHost
2016-12-06 - Grabbing a Let's Encrypt Certificate with Umbraco
2016-09-22 - Creating ANTLR Applications in TypeScript
2016-08-29 - Angular 2 Unit Tests with PhantomJS - Dependency Injection not Working
2016-07-29 - NetCoreHeroes: Angular 2 with .Net Core in Visual Studio 2015, Part V
2016-07-28 - NetCoreHeroes: Angular 2 with .Net Core in Visual Studio 2015, Part IV
2016-07-26 - NetCoreHeroes: Angular 2 with .Net Core in Visual Studio 2015, Part III
2016-06-25 - NetCoreHeroes: Angular 2 with .Net Core in Visual Studio 2015, Part II
2016-06-24 - NetCoreHeroes: Angular 2 with .Net Core in Visual Studio 2015, Part I
Windows Server
2017-04-27 - Safe Storage of Strings in PowerShell Scripts
2017-04-27 - Connecting to Windows Server 2016 Essentials VPN without DirectAccess
2016-10-17 - Setup and Configure VPN and NAT on a Private Server
2016-06-22 - Install and Configure Web Deploy for an IIS Installation
2016-04-30 - Creating Self Signed SSL Certificates for IIS
2016-04-22 - Install a Windows Server Active Directory Root Certificate in iOs
// Just 💗 Coding
GAEB Converter
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